Sen. Ted Cruz extends self-quarantine after interacting with government official who tested positive for COVID-19, he says

Senator Ted Cruz has decided to extend his self-quarantine after he learned he interacted with a Spanish government official who tested positive with coronavirus, he said.

In a news release, Cruz said that while his self-quarantine was supposed to end Thursday afternoon, he was informed he had a second interaction with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday.

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“On March 3, I met in my D.C. office with Santiago Abascal, the leader of the Vox Party in Spain," he said. “We met for about 20 minutes, sitting together at a conference table. We shook hands twice and took pictures together.”

Cruz said it is his understanding that Abascal tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday night.

“His staff have informed us that he was asymptomatic at the time of our meeting and that several days after our meeting he had extended interactions with another individual who has also tested positive,” he said.

Cruz said he hasn’t felt any symptoms but is consulting medical officials.

RELATED: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz says he “briefly interacted” with person who tested positive for coronavirus

“But, for the same reasons I initially self-quarantined—out of an abundance of caution and to give everyone peace of mind—I am extending the self-quarantine to March 17, a full fourteen days from my meeting with Mr. Abascal,” Cruz said.

Cruz said he plans to extend his self-quarantine until March 17.

About the Author

Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜

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