KPRC 2 and American Furniture Warehouse are surprising 20 deserving high school seniors with scholarships in 2022. All students selected for scholarships have been nominated by their high schools.
The sixteenth $2,500 scholarship winner of the year is Anjie Liu, who is a senior at Seven Lakes High School in Katy Independent School District.
Liu is headed to the University of Texas in Austin to study mathematics. In high school, she has maintained great grades while being involved in numerous school activities.
Her accomplishments in high school are even more remarkable due to what she has overcome. This driven student suffered a brain injury in a bus accident and had to relearn many things. Despite the challenges she faced, Liu said her passion for math pushed her to be her best academically and socially.
“Recognized by the National Center for Women and Information Technology, I was selected as one of the Great Houston Affiliate Award Winners for my aptitude for computing. As the cofounder and president of the Computer Programming Club, I led members to build a program that recognizes recycled materials through machine learning and image recognition technology,” wrote Liu in her scholarship essay. “My long term aim is to sustain global development and ultimately increase public literacy in environmental science.”
Liu has given back to her community by volunteering hundreds of hours tutoring other students in chemistry and math and holding guzheng performances on the internet as a show of gratitude to healthcare providers during the pandemic.
“My traumatic brain injury and amnesia did not shackle my academic ability to contend with challenging school courses, and my facial scars did not prohibit me from befriending others and serving my community,” she said. “My experiences in high school have shaped me to be a more diligent and empathetic individual, determined to chase a life-long pursuit of knowledge.”
You can see the scholarship surprise for Anjie Liu in the video player at the top of this article.