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Neighbors concerned after 2 dogs caught mauling cats in west Harris County subdivisions

HARRIS COUNTY – Two dogs are being blamed for killing a series of pet cats in two subdivisions in west Harris County.

“All I heard were the screams,” said Jesse Rodriguez, who lives in the Glencarin neighborhood, north of State Highway 6 and Clay Road.

Rodriguez said he walked out of his house to find two dogs mauling his neighbor’s cat.

“They’re pit bulls. One is a white male and the other is a brown female,” he said.

Rodriguez said the two dogs belong to a neighbor of his. He and others in the area said the dogs roam the neighborhood throughout the day.  They’re accused of killing multiple pets within the past month.

“That’s at least three dead cats and one injured, too,” said Eliana Caballero, who lives in the adjacent Berkshire Oaks subdivision.

Caballero said she heard growling in her front yard on May 31 and ran outside to find two dogs mauling an outdoor cat.

“One of them had the head of the cat and the other one had the tail and they were literally trying to rip this cat apart,” Caballero said.

Caballero posted a video from her Ring camera to her neighborhood’s Nextdoor page.

“I immediately got a message from another pet owner whose cat these dogs had killed earlier that day,” she said.

Video from other neighbors shows other attacks, each taking place over the past few weeks.

Neighbors told KPRC2 they’ve made contact with the dogs’ owner, but said the owner has told them the dogs are not a threat. Several said they contacted animal control. 

Caballero said an officer responded Monday to a request she made last week. She said the officer from Harris County Pets advised her on how to file a dangerous dogs claim with the Justice of the Peace.

While she did so Tuesday, she said she didn’t receive the response she had expected.

“The dog has to attack a human being, not another animal. And what I was trying to reason with them is that I reasonably believe that the dogs will attack and cause harm to a human,” she said.

A spokesperson from Harris County pets confirmed an animal control officer visited on Monday, including advising Caballero on how to file the dangerous dogs claim. The statement also said, “Animal Control also visited the property where the dogs were reported to live but no one answered the door. The shelter’s contact information was left on the door.”

The agency said the responding officer noted not seeing any loose dogs in the area when they visited on Monday.

Still, neighbors said they see the dogs just about daily. Their question: “What gives before a human is hurt?”

“I saw this one today. The white one,” Rodriguez said.
