PHOTOS: Police searching for person of interest in death of Edna teen cheerleader

Police are trying to identify a person of interest in the case of a teenage cheerleader, who was found killed in her apartment in Edna, Texas. (Edna Police)

EDNA, Texas – Police are trying to identify a person of interest in the case of a teenage cheerleader, who was found killed in her apartment in Edna, Texas.

Lizbeth Medina, 16, was found dead in a bathtub in an apartment on Tuesday in Edna, which is one hour and 30 minutes southwest of Houston. Her mother located her.

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She was a cheerleader at her local high school.

Related: ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect her’: Mother of murdered Edna HS cheerleader found her dead in bathtub

Investigators believe this was capital murder.

The Edna Police Department shared photos on Saturday of a man it is looking for in connection to this case. The man possibly has a tattoo behind his right ear.

He was seen driving a silver Ford Taurus that is a 2010-2018 model. Authorities are asking the community to help them identify the man.

Crime Stoppers is offering a $5,000 reward for information that results in the man’s arrest. If you have any information, you should call police at 361-782-6522.

Related: Family members identify 16-year-old Edna HS cheerleader found dead inside apartment; search for suspect underway

About the Author

Cynthia Miranda graduated from UT Austin and is a proud Houstonian. She is passionate about covering breaking news and community stories. Cynthia previously covered elections, the historic 2021 Texas winter storm, and other news in East Texas. In addition to writing, she also loves going to concerts, watching movies, and cooking with her family.

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