Ways Houston residents can protect their skin, hair from chlorine this summer

Summer is the perfect time for a pool day! But if you’re swimming in a chlorinated pool, the chemicals can strip your natural oils and leave you dry, brittle, and itchy.

Dermatologist Natalie Hone from The Skin People gives these tips to protect your skin and hair health:


Try rinsing in the shower before jumping into the pool. This decreases the absorption of chlorine in your body.

Rinse once you’re out of the pool too to lessen the amount of chlorine on the skin before you get home to shower.

Add oil

Add oils to your hair: argon oil or coconut oil can coat the hair.

Complete physical barriers like a swim cap may also help.

Deep condition

“If you could do once a week, at least, a deep conditioner for your hair, that would help a lot. And then deep moisturizer for your whole body. Ointments are a little bit better, but if you like moisturizer, if you choose one that’s fragrance-free, moisturize your whole body after your shower,” Dr. Hone said.

Wear sunscreen

Protecting your skin against UV rays and chlorine is another great reason to wear sunscreen.

Whether you use a lotion or spray sunscreen, they can coat your skin and make it repel water from your skin to keep chlorine from penetrating the skin barrier.

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