Youth volunteer arrested, accused of possessing thousands of images of child porn

Thiago Domingos Modelli, 46, was arrested in Conroe on charges of possession of child pornography. (Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

A coordinated law enforcement operation led to the arrest of a man in Montgomery County.

Thiago Domingos Modelli, 46, was arrested on July 2 on charges of possession of child pornography.

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Constable Ryan Gable’s Criminal Investigations Division, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety, La Porte Police Department, Texas City Police Department, Pearland Police Department, United States Secret Service, and Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, executed a search warrant at Modelli’s residence in the Harpers Preserve subdivision.

During the search, authorities discovered thousands of videos and images depicting the sexual abuse of children, including infants and toddlers.

Modelli was taken into custody at the scene and transported to the Montgomery County Jail. He faces five counts of possession of child pornography and is currently held on a $150,000 bond.

The investigation revealed that Modelli is a volunteer at a local Baptist Church in The Woodlands, where he assists with youth activities. Additionally, his home is known to be a gathering place for neighborhood children, despite Modelli not having any adolescent children of his own.

Authorities are urging anyone with concerns regarding interactions with Modelli to contact their office at 281-364-4211 and reference the Modelli case.

About the Author

Holly joined the KPRC 2 digital team in March 2024, leveraging her eight years of expertise in blogging and digital content to share her passion for Houston. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring the city's vibrant scenes, all while balancing her roles as a wife and mother to two toddlers.

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