In the wake of a devastating tornado that left Walt Disney Elementary in ruins, teachers are rallying to prepare classrooms at their temporary facility. Their mission is clear: to create a welcoming environment for students returning to school on Tuesday after winter break.
The destruction was immense, but the outpouring of community support has been equally overwhelming. Donations have poured in, totaling nearly $150,000 worth of supplies to help teachers and students rebuild their sense of normalcy.
“It’s a blessing. We’re so appreciative for each and everything,” one teacher said. “Someone might think it’s just a small token, but to us, it’s huge. And it makes the difference so that we can, in turn, make a difference for our kids.”
Since the tornado, the focus has shifted from salvaging what could be saved to preparing the temporary facility for students. Teachers have been working tirelessly, unpacking boxes, arranging supplies, and transforming the space into classrooms where kids can feel safe and cared for.
“Alvin is a very strong community, so they immediately stepped in,” another teacher shared. “We feel the support, the love, the supplies. I haven’t had a chance to look at everything yet, but I know they’re still pouring in. On a Sunday, out of the goodness of their hearts, people are here helping us organize and clean up for the kids.”
The temporary campus, a repurposed facility, will serve as the new home for Walt Disney Elementary. While the setup is different, teachers are focused on ensuring that students feel a sense of familiarity when they walk through the doors on Tuesday.
“It’s going to be new, so it’s really like the first week of school,” a teacher explained. “We’re going to show them where things are, walk them around, and explain the new procedures and expectations. It’s a transition, but it’ll be okay. We’ll make it work.”
The tornado’s emotional impact on students and staff cannot be ignored. Teachers are preparing to meet their students with extra compassion and patience, knowing that some of them may have been directly affected by the storm.
“They understand that this is our new space, and it’s a new space, but it’s not a bad space,” another teacher said. “We’re all going to learn new routines, new areas, and we’re here for them. It’s going to be all right.”
The return to school represents more than just a new beginning—it’s a testament to the resilience of the community. Teachers say they’re ready to embrace this new chapter and provide the love and support their students need to thrive.
“This is about making sure our kids feel safe and valued,” one teacher said. “We want them to know that no matter what, we are here for them, and they are cared for.”
Thanks to the unwavering support from the community, the school is ready to move forward. As Tuesday approaches, teachers are putting the finishing touches on their classrooms, determined to turn the page and make this a positive experience for their students.
READ MORE: School supply drive aims to rebuild Walt Disney Elementary, support students