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Nearly 1,000 books stolen from Houston author's storage unit

HOUSTON – Thieves who broke into a Houston author's storage unit got away with nearly 1,000 children's books.

What makes the crime a little ironic? The name of the children's book is "The Word Burglar."

What happened

Chris Cander said about 1,000 copies of her book were in a storage facility in the 9600 block of Hillcroft Avenue.

She said she planned on donating them to a literacy charity.

On Friday, the storage facility's manager called her and told her that someone had broken into her unit and taken 26 cases of books. Each case held 36 books.

"The thief had literally ripped off the lock housing from the wood door, so it was completely insecure and all the copies of 'The Word Burglar' had been burgled," Cander said. "I can't fathom why someone would take books."

What's the book about?

The book is about a boy who steals words because he hopes to learn to read.

Eventually, he gets caught.

Cander, an award-winning author, is hoping the burglar gets caught.

"I can't imagine that someone would've deliberately tried to steal 26 cases of books unless they're a true bibliophile or a real word burglar. And yet, here we are," she said. "I'd love it if they would anonymously take them to a library and drop them off and let them be read and loved by people who really need them."



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About the Author
Keith Garvin headshot

Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.
