LEAGUE CITY, Texas – Newlyweds Sonia and Joey Kukuch moved into their League City home last spring.
They moved out when Harvey hit a few months later and haven’t been home since.
The Kukuch family – like so many others in the Houston area – have experienced trauma from the storm.
Their daughter, Bella, has nightmares. Sonia cries when she remembers the water rushing in at her feet, her daughter sleeping on the bed. Joey can recall the pain of ripping up floorboards he lovingly placed before the storm – when they were building – and not replacing.
The losses, though, have made the Kukuch family stronger. They said “I love you” in our interview back in October. They thanked each other for getting each other through the ordeal. They thanked their families and their communities for epitomizing the best of what “Houston Strong” means.
Sonia and Joey Kukuch said recently that they want to be back in their home for the holidays, but are not sure if that’s going to happen.
Watch highlights from their interview with KPRC in the video player above.
This story is part of our KPRC 2 project "Houston Strong: The Stories Behind Hurricane Harvey." View all of the stories collected from the hurricane's survivors here.