
NFL provides grant to help Houston-area communities

HOUSTON – When you see the official NFL podium you know something big is about to happen. A Houston City Council member, the Texans' general manager, even the NFL'S commissioner were among those present at Thursday's event.

“The most important thing for us other than having a great event is to have an impact,” said Roger Goodell, commissioner of the National Football League.

The VIPs were out in full force for a big announcement. The symbolic groundbreaking of Touchdown Houston, a charitable giving program created by the Houston Super Bowl Host Committee.

In total, the program will contribute $4 million in grants to 78 nonprofits across the 11-county Houston area.

The NFL Foundation will provide $1 million of the grants. One of those recipients is Pro-Vision, the host of the celebration.

“Pro-Vision is a family,” said Ahmad Mouton.

Mouton is a junior at the fifth through 12th grade school. He has personally experienced their transformative program which involves manhood development, job enterprising, an urban farm, and of course academics and athletics. The last of those is getting a huge boost.

“I never thought the NFL would be over here, or the Super Bowl committee period to look at our school and build us a whole new field and everything,” said Ahmad.

Though Ahmad will have graduated by the time the track and field is built, he's excited for his school. As for him, a philosophy degree is in his future.

“I plan to take that and become a writer, travel the world, see and experience life to the fullest,” said Ahmad.

The hope is to have the new field and track complex completed in the next few years. Today's grant goes a long way in making that happen. Needless to say the whole thing is a touchdown for the school and its students.

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