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Watch this mama rat save her baby from a snake

Rojas Montecincos Evy/Facebook

It's a video that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Rojas Montecinos Evy posted a Facebook video on June 26 that shows what appears to be a baby rat in a snake's mouth. Mama rat is seen chasing after the reptile as it frantically tries to slither away.

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Hoy mientras estava de regreso a casa se nos presento este sorprendente ACTO DE AMOR de una madre hacia su pequeñito , fue un momento de angustia y tanta emoción , LES DEJO LO QUE ALCANSE A GRABAR ♥♥♥♥ ♥ Oggi mentre stavo rientrando a casa, ho assistitoa questo sorprendente ATTO DI AMORE di una mamma nei confronti del suo figlio, è stato momento di angoscia e tanta emozione, VI LASCIO QUELLO CHE SONO RIUSCITA A FILMARE ♥♥♥♥♥

Posted by Evelyn Montecinos on Sunday, June 26, 2016


The mama rat doesn't give up. The snake eventually drops the baby and disappears into the grass, but it's not enough for mama. The rat goes after the snake and tries to find it. It was nowhere to be found, so mama rat gets her baby and all is good.
