
Why this veteran stands outside car to pay tribute during funeral processions

HOUSTON – It was a simple, yet powerful gesture.

A man with a Disabled American Veteran license plate standing outside his car in the Texas heat to honor a passing funeral procession.

Eliazar Flores Jr. caught the whole thing on his dashcam last Saturday. Flores told KPRC2 that it was very hot that day at the intersection of Fellows Road and Beltway 8 feeder road. 

WATCH THE DASHCAM: Veteran stands at attention during funeral procession

"This veteran needs praise for showing his respect to the loss of life," Flores wrote to KPRC2. "My wife and I thought this would be nice to send to you."

Flores sent KPRC2 the dashcam video from his wife, Angelica Flores, and edited by his brother, Ezekiel Flores.

KPRC2 tracked down the veteran. His name is Timothy Stroud.

He told us he saw the headlights on the cars of the procession and as soon as he determined it was safe, he stepped outside his vehicle.

It's a gesture Stroud has been doing for years.

He's a third generation veteran -- he served in the Army, while his grandfather served in the Air Force and his father in the Army.

His father, Gary R. Stroud, was a police officer in St. Charles, Missouri, after serving. In 1977, his father was shot and killed in the line of duty. Timothy was 5 years old. 

He said he remembered riding in the funeral procession as a boy, but didn't really understand what was going on because he was so young.

As he grew up, Stroud would look through the newspaper clippings and photos that his mother saved of the funeral procession. He said he was always struck by how many people got out of their cars during the procession to pay tribute to his father.

After serving in the Army, Stroud started his tradition of standing for passing funeral processions -- all of them, not just for law enforcement.

"As long as it's safe, I get out and stand outside. So they know there's at least one person thinking about them," he told KPRC2.

Stroud has a service dog and sometimes the dog will get out of the vehicle and stand at attention with him.

He even convinced a friend in Dallas to carry on the tradition. Stroud shared a photo of Wes Bishop following his lead and saluting for a funeral procession on Wednesday.

Wes Bishop saluting funeral procession

Stroud, who is director for veterans program at Easter Seals of Houston as well as president of LEH Insurance company, said he hopes to inspire others.

"In the social media day and age and the Kiki Challenge, wouldn't it be great if people did something like this instead?" Stroud said.

Stroud said he sees funeral processions a couple times a month.

KPRC2 reached back out to Flores after we found out about Stroud's story. Flores said was glad he captured the moment on video.

"Kind of awesome how a small clip we sent to you to try to show respect to him, and now to find out what he's been through and that he's been doing it all these years, it shows there's a lot of good people out there," Flores said.

One last note about Stroud: While he was stationed at Fort Hood, Stroud set up a charity in his dad's name for the Killeen Police Department Law Enforcement Assistance Fund. The fund has raised and given away more than $750,000 to date to help support police force families in times of need.

Why this veteran stands outside car to pay tribute during funeral processions. MORE HERE: https://www.click2houston.com/news/why-this-veteran-stands-outside-car-to-pay-tribute-to-funeral-processions

Posted by KPRC2 Brandon Walker on Thursday, August 9, 2018

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