Tonight’s Forecast:
Overnight tonight we will have mostly cloudy skies with warm temperatures in the 70s. It will continue to feel vert muggy. Our normal low temperature is 60° which means we are staying over 10° above normal for our overnight low.
Wednesday’s Forecast:
Wednesday will be warmer than Tuesday with humid conditions continuing. A stray shower is possible but most of us will just be muggy and gross feeling.
Warm & humid through Saturday:
A stray shower is possible through Thursday. Rain chances are 10%. We’ll also get close, and most likely reach our first 90° temperature this year. Friday is the day it is most likely.
Sunday morning cold front:
Our next cold front is expected Sunday morning. This front will bring rain Saturday evening through Sunday morning. Fronts this time of year are not as frequent as earlier in the season. This front is the only one on the 10-day forecast. Rain totals range from .50″-2.00″ in Houston Saturday into Sunday.
10-Day Forecast:
Sunday’s front lowers morning temperatures to the 50s early next week. Mild high temperatures are short lived, only with us Sunday and Monday.