Wednesday’s Forecast:
HOUSTON – Another breezy day as winds switch direction from southwest turning more northwesterly but remain breezy with gusts near 25 mph. The wind dragged in dusty conditions this morning but have since cleared.
This NW wind will drag in drier further increasing the fire weather concerns across SE Texas. Most of our western counties are under a Red Flag Warning, or a fire weather warning, through 7pm tonight. Very dry air and gusty winds will make for ripe conditions for fires to break out.
Spring blooms Thursday:
Thursday March 20th, marks the start of spring also known as the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox is when the day and night hours are almost equal because the sun’s ray are positioned in line with the earth’s equator.
You’ll notice days getting longer after March 20th.
Check out Chief Meteorologist Anthony Yanez’s deep dive into what spring will look like for Houston this year.
Thursday’s Forecast:
Spring starts off chilly across SE Texas, with morning temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s.
There will be an almost 15 degree temperature difference from Wednesday to Thursday high temperatures. Instead of 80s we land in the low 70s which will still make for a beautiful afternoon.
As for wind, staying breezy with gust near 20 mph.
10-day forecast:
Temperatures will continue to warm into the weekend. The warm-up starts off dry but a cold front arrives Sunday increasing rain chances into Monday.