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United Airlines overbooking incident prompts scores of online memes

United Airlines has become the butt of online jokes, with hundreds of memes knocking the airline after an incident Sunday night in which a passenger was forcibly pulled from his seat after he refused to leave the overbooked flight.

The incident prompted one security officer's suspension and has created a publicity nightmare for United.

Check out a handful of some of the popular United-inspired memes circulating online.

Training for my flight next month with @united @hella__chluy

Posted by JL Jupiter on Monday, April 10, 2017

United airlines logic

When United Airways asks you to voluntarily move your seat

MFW I get voluntarily selected to give up my seat on United Airlines

I've found a United Airline employee training video for when flights are overbooked

Pepsi checking the news and seeing what United did

United Airlines updating their app from facepalm

United Airlines safety card

United – Fly the Friendly Skies

Say hello to the new United Airlines Customer Service Director. He will shut that shit down! #united #negan #lucille

Posted by The Houston Zombie Walk on Monday, April 10, 2017

United Airline's new Ticket class...

Posted by Ebaum's World on Monday, April 10, 2017


